Ithaka Institut

European Biochar Certificate

The European Biochar Certificate (EBC) has been developed under the lead of the Ithaka Institute to become the voluntary European industrial standard. The EBC ensures sustainable biochar production and minimizes hazard to agronomic systems. It is based on the latest scientific data, it is economically viable and close to technical and agricultural practice. Users of biochar and biochar-based products will benefit from transparent, verifiable monitoring and independent quality control. The premium quality standard of the EBC became the base of the Swiss authorisation to use biochar in agriculture. 

Biochar produced in accordance with the standards of the EBC fulfils all the requirements of sustainable production and a positive carbon footprint. These standards guarantee ecologically sustainable procurement and production of biomass feedstock for biochar production, compliance with emission standards and environmentally safe storage. Biochar quality is comprehensively monitored, documented and independantly controlled and is in compliance with all threshold values related to the Ordinance on Soil Protection.

Please find all further information about the European Biochar Certificate (the guidelines, inscription for certification, accredited labs, etc.) on the dedicated website of the European Biochar Foundation


Pillars of the European Biochar Certificate

• Independent on-site control (governmental accredited: q.inspecta)

• Unified analytical methods (accredited labs)

• Annual revision of standard by the scientific board of the EBC

• Legally backed-up

• Economically viable

• Close to practice with understandable guidelines and thresholds


The EBC certifies:

1. Sustainable provision and production of biomass feedstock

2. Energy efficient, low emission pyrolysis technique

3. Biochar quality – low contaminant level

4. Low hazard use and application of biochar


The EBC was develloped to limit the risks of biochar usages at the best of our scientific knowledge and to help the users and producers of biochar to prevent or at least to reduce any hazard for the health and for the environment while producing and using biochar.